Holding at 60 degrees, despite the heat. Fan at 1800 RPM. All good so far.
Monthly Archives: March 2020
Reset MK850 Keyboard
Just a little note to myself on how to reset this keyboard:
- Hit escape then ‘o’
- Hit escape then ‘o’
- Hit escape then ‘b’
Server relocation
After the (brief) server downtime today, I’ve realised it’s the mesh wifi that is part of the problem. So the server has gone to the node now. It’s truly a headless box.
I was a bit worried about the temperature but the fan seems to hold it at 57-60 degrees which is ok I guess.
Added in another UPS into the system to hopefully protect the server and maintain its uptime.
Will see how that goes.
Ride to Freo
Ride to the other side of Fremantle. So thats a couple more km than normal. Overall doing ok with the riding, although its only about 42 km all up.
Also – got to see a train running in on the tracks. Don’t think I’ve seen that very often – freight line only south of Fremantle.

Mail Server
This is for documenting the server woes I’ve had. In fact, it started as woes not related to my server, but to the email server that net registry was running for painscience. That just failed on friday.
After two days, being told by tech support that they couldn’t fix the problem with cPanel, I decided to build my own email server.
And it works!
Along the way, its been a voyage of discovery, with SSL certificates (to secure the webmail), and even a lot of pain with getting wordpress generally to work with SSL. But that seems to work now after a lot of experimentation.
So, for better or worse, I have a mail server now running in its own VM… At least the cost per user is pretty low (like, zero other than my time).
I’ll probably need a bigger SSD at some stage, but for now mostly its about backups.