All posts by George

Another Weekend

And its busy as usual.

Our first jet job with the new jet (Christmas island).  The JHC christmas ball..

Fun, but busy.

Of course, the big thing that hit the news has to be the “official” announcement that oil has peaked.  By the IEA’s own estimates, it was 2006 that things maxed out.  Not that they were admitting that at the time – indeed it was only 2 years ago that they were saying that the peak would be after 2030.

Food for thought.


Peak Oil Graph
Conventional Oil Has Peaked

Office 2011 for Mac

Have been playing with office 2011, and it is an interesting comparison with iWork.

Have to say that word is surprisingly good with the ribbon.  Nice software.  It complements Pages, which is desktop publishing done well.

Excel is excel.  Numbers doesn’t come close, unless you just want pretty.

Powerpoint still is the poor man’s choice compared to Keynote, but its getting better.  If you’ve not used keynote, you would think it was the best presentation software out there.

Certainly its not the cripple-ware that we had in the previous version.  (Office 2008 was the vista of mac office suites).

This one isn’t too bad functionality wise.  (The activation still sucks, and it bothers me that they make and activation free version of it that they just won’t sell me)…