Category Archives: Energy

Another Weekend

And its busy as usual.

Our first jet job with the new jet (Christmas island).  The JHC christmas ball..

Fun, but busy.

Of course, the big thing that hit the news has to be the “official” announcement that oil has peaked.  By the IEA’s own estimates, it was 2006 that things maxed out.  Not that they were admitting that at the time – indeed it was only 2 years ago that they were saying that the peak would be after 2030.

Food for thought.


Peak Oil Graph
Conventional Oil Has Peaked

Oil Exports

Oil Export versus Production
Oil Export

If anything explains the problem we face in oil, it is this graph.

Notice how the peak of oil production doesn’t really go down that fast.  We took 150 years to get here, and the oil we extract isn’t going to decline that fast either.  In 2030 we will probably have as much oil as we had in the 80’s.

Of course, people flew around the world a lot less then.  And there were less of us.

But even more worrying, is that the remaining oil exporting nations are still growing in their use.  And as oil prices rise, their economies will improve.  So they will use more oil, even as they produce less.

So, the oil that remains for the rest of us is going to decrease dramatically.  And its price will rise.

And that is where the problems will begin.
