Category Archives: Life


Plex Media Server

Using the public holiday to set up a media server – I have been wanting to do this for a while. Whilst I like Spotify, I think that it would be nice to also have my own collection of music. And plex seems like the nicest way to do this.

Will have to see – but so far so good

In particular – Sonos can connect to plex just fine so it plays without needing any intervention. Which I like.

Just means that I can think about building up my personal music collection a bit more.

Vale Shadow

Sadly Shadow died this morning. It was pretty sudden, and I don’t think he suffered at the end.

I keep thinking he is around – he as been a part of my life for nearly 18 years. I’ll miss him for a long while.

Another Fremantle ride

The weather turned out to be ok. I’ve also gone back to being low carb as of yesterday to see if I can get a bit fitter, and the ride turned out surprisingly ok. Just a nice day.

Covid cases versus hospitalisations

I know the data is only early, and there may be a few compounding factors. But what I’ve looked at here is the Australian figures for six months from today (11 July 2022) versus hospitalisations.

In very simple and crude terms, I’ve overlaid the two graphs, with a 2 week shift in time (to account for the delay between infection and hospitalisation).

So what concerns me is the divergence that we are seeing in hospitalisations in the last 1-2 months. Basically, we are seeing about twice as many people in hospital now for a given caseload as we were six months ago, or even two months ago.


First flight – at least the first flight in 3 years. Its for a last minute request to do an inspection in Sydney. So on the plus side – I get to go to Sydney. On the minus side – I lose a long weekend. Overall, I think its still worth it just to remember what its like to fly. Even with a mask on.

Its not super full on the flight, although I already have to deal with the person in front of me just reclining as soon as they could – so its hard to type this.

Overall, it feels really familiar – I guess not a lot has changed in 3 years.

Although now I do worry more about the emissions than before.

Homekit garage control

I can recommend the Meross control kit for controlling a garage door. I’ve installed it and its working brilliantly – so now not only is the back door controllable with Siri, but so is the gate controller.

All in all I’m pretty happy about that – so much less need for a remote control now for the car.

Long weekend

Its been a great long weekend

A good ride this morning, and its apparent just how nice fremantle is in this weather

Add to this the general all round niceness of being off for a long weekend and its just good.