Category Archives: Technology

Technology related blogs

Inverse Skeuomorphism.

The opposite of skeuomorphism (making computer stuff mimic real world options).

It’s when you expect real world objects to behave like a computer.

Ever tried to zoom into a real map with a pinch gesture?

Then you know what inverse skeuomorphism is. Or what it should be, if only they weren’t real world objects.


New MacBooks

The best deals are still with the airs (which are a pretty powerful machine), as the retina display macbook pro is to die for, but not nearly as portable.

I’m still stuck wondering which way to go, as a 15 inch laptop has one major problem – it won’t fit into a hotel safe that easily.  I’m sort of wondering if I really just want a 13 inch retina macbook pro, which doesn’t really exist yet.

Oh well, I might just get a 512 GB SSD hard drive and put it into my current macbook pro, and live with that for a while.  Its not like my current laptop is doing me badly at the moment, I just have an irrational desire to upgrade.


New Server


A complete rebuild of the server.  Running on Lion now, which isn’t trivial.  No support for MySql, so it has to been installed manually.

And poor virtual host support – have bought VirtualHostX, which does the job well.

Now I just need to rebuild the whole thing, although the blog entries are here, which is a start.
