Category Archives: Life


The lucky Country

I think we are truly in the lucky country, although its more about being cohesive as a country than luck in reality.

We have pulled together and deaths from corona virus have been incredibly low by worldwide standards. So good that we are starting to relax the social isolation – groups of ten people permitted from here on in.

Just so lucky compared with other parts of the world.

Four days off

Its been a nice run of days off. Ready to go back to the grindstone tomorrow.

The Australian figures at least are looking like we are in control of all of this. But that only means that we are going to be isolated for longer, although at a more manageable pace.

Another life

I’m suddenly living another life. I know I’m not the only person in the world to do this, but it’s strange how quickly things change.

The world is falling apart, and some bits are still in denial. I find it strange how anyone could ignore this or not see it coming.

Anyway, its here now, and time will tell how bad it will become.